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-P6160582In the Math area, lessons about length turn into number and quantity lessons the child can actually hold and feel. To learn about length, the child holds red rods vertically. As the child progressively holds longer rods, the rods eventually tower the child’s height, and an understanding of length is born.

Lessons about quantity are introduced using number rods with appropriate number symbols from 1-10. The child explores the rods and is exposed to basic addition and subtraction.

Beads and cards help to associate the number symbol with a bead equivalent. The child physically understands differences in size, weight and length while engaging several senses simultaneously.

The child is introduced to bead work, and learns the difference between a unit, a ten, a hundred and a thousand. Number symbols identifying the hierarchies (powers of 10) from 1 to 1000 are introduced using a colour system.

The snake game leads to pencil work where the child learns to do static and dynamic (carrying) calculations within the four basic operations of arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Activities become more complex as the child masters previous work.

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(416) 523-1565



Rathburn Rd / Hwy 427 in Etobicoke

Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:30 pm